A long time ago I began this particular blog. So much has happened since that post so long ago. Essentially, we have moved (a couple of times!), my mother passed in 2017, after the 2 year wait from to age 65 I signed up for Medicare, had my annual exam, and since then, have learned I live now with diabetes 2, the very thing that took my mother's life. Damn. And once the doctor diagnosed me as having diabetes 2, she promptly prescribed metformin, atorvastatin for heart, and asked me to write out my form to resuscitate or not. Geesh!! Talk about a Reality Check. I had been going along these many years believing I was what is called pre-diabetic and therefore had not much to worry about, maybe get my cholesterol numbers down. My mother had passed, and I attributed the two years prior when I and my husband were caring for her as a stressful time, which likely put my numbers over the top, from the pre-diabetes to diabetes definitely. Being terrified of the diagnosis since m...